There are several ways in which terrorism is quelled through incentivized asynalagonomy. Four categories are – (1)media (2)international, (3)economic and (4)military.
- Media: Force and messages communicated through violence tend to arise through systems where an insufficient voice exists for conveying what individuals or groups consider vital messages. The media is largely relied upon to display dissatisfaction through symbolic protest involving murder, generally for some political or religious reason because if it bleeds it leads and media is run for profit. In an incentivized asynalagonomy, the media is no longer controlled by a few companies and it is not run for profit. The nature of the news will be to inform and serve rather than entertain to gain viewers and advertising dollars. Therefore, the way people access information will be more diverse and everyone will have a voice. This includes the voices of the outraged and intensely dissatisfied.
- International: International terrorism happens when nations are perceived as evil. Terrorist acts take place in order to vent grievances towards those nations and disrupt their economies while declaring them enemies or placing judgment on them. Incentivized asynalagonomy is an inherently fair system that has no economy to disrupt or people to exploit. Any sense of outrage is destined to be systematically reduced while a superior way of life is simultaneously introduced.
- Economic: Since responsible use of resources is always the highest priority for incentivized asynalagonomies and trade no longer exists all forms of economic injustice become impossible. The result is less dissatisfaction and very little reasonable discontent. Using the HAND System, there are no lower class under-privileges that the people as a whole do not agree to. A type of religious perspective based jizya of under-privilege is technically available for societies that choose it but it is not likely to dominate in every society without aggressive international expansion. Such expansion is unlikely since international trade is based on the Foreign Resource Electronic Exchange (FREE). That is to say, nations agree on exchange of resources not because of capitalist exploitations contrary to the public interest but because resource managers of those nations agree that sharing such resources satisfies more needs. Nations begin acting like a human family and only with the consent of the people, who agree to share their national resources with other nations.
- Military: There is no such thing as an arms trade in an incentivized asynalagonomy. All international trade takes place through the Foreign Resource Electronic Exchange (FREE). This means all acquisition of military equipment and ammunition takes place under the agreement of national and state governments or is domestically produced. In either case, it is not a decision of private enterprise because the people are unlikely to vote for unregulated distribution of arms in any nation. Resource managers working for these states inventory and control arms and supplies directly so that it becomes very unlikely that individuals living in them will be empowered to use such weaponry outside of the state’s will. Since the will of the state is the will of the people, city by city ordinances may exist regarding the right to bear arms. This may mean some allowance of weapons for self-defense but probably not on any level sufficient for mass attacks. As with many privilege possessions, certification is likely to be required. The people will quickly learn from their mistakes on this matter since public safety is always their concern.
Corruption is systemically eliminated in incentivized asynalagonomies initiated according to the guidelines first proposed by James Carvin, using the HAND System. All the more so if prior to the transition from sociocapitalism they are well prepared with Constitution reforms that initiate adequate anti-corruption measures. Such asynalagonomies are governed by the people and for them rather than by the few. In some asynalagonomies there may well be a blurred distinction between a public and private sector, where “governors” are essentially managers of various departments.
Under Carvin’s guidelines, the reasons are systemic. First, management is accomplished through the Human Availability and Needs Database System (HANDS) and managerial employment, including government, can be handled just like any job if the people will it, even by volunteers, but for the sake of stability, elections and representative government are normative, where leadership is best vested in a few. Either way, the privileges of and need for various jobs are established through the HANDS. If governors need larger departments or not, they need only say so through the HAND System, where they can interview, vet and appoint as all agree.
Second, accountability of leaders is accomplished through random auditing and auditing of auditors with greater frequency than other job types, making such work less desirable for the devious and self-serving. Jobs related to resource management and planning provide fair privilege due to this inconvenience but it is not on the level of the least desirable jobs. If it pays more to be a police officer on the beat than a governor or chief of police, then it is likely that a person will avoid leadership for the wrong reasons. In the HAND System, it is the least desirable jobs that come with the greatest privilege. Since there is no shortage of people wishing to manage, due to the too many chiefs and not enough Indians tendency among arm chair critics, the system is inherently merit based and filters to those who have a passion for managing well.
Third, the tendency to preparation is not random. Adequate constitutional reform involving measures against corruption will typically precede an incentivized asynalagonomy because political willingness must be adequate for such a transition in the first place and this requires attitudes of true public service. Depending on the Constitution, government may or may not be a distinct entity from the people. If it is, its power and economic privilege is still limited so that public service as a career is not self-serving. As an example, there are the five initial anti-corruption measures of the Restoration Party in the United States – (1)Term Limits for Congress, (2)the American Anti-Corruption Act, (3)the American Prosperity Act, (4)the Equality of Influence Act and (5)the Better Voting Systems Act. While some of these measures become obsolete in an incentivized asynalagonomy, the HAND System naturally flows from the Better Voting Systems Act, which advances both intrinsically fair and unhackable unriggable voting systems.
Everything is free in an incentivized asynalagonomy, not just an education. Education is a very important value for society as many types of jobs require technical skill and knowledge. Much education is on-job-sight. Subjects taught are based largely on supply and demand. Preparing students for high demand, worker-shortage jobs is the foremost goal of educators. Books, supplies, equipment and teachers are all available without cost since everybody who works does so not for pay but for privilege and resources all come without cost. Anything in limited supply is not used in education. Taking classes boosts privilege for those with full time jobs. Being a student and being a teacher are both forms of employment. For students it is generally part time work that is in addition to full or part time jobs. Good performance in school boosts privilege and therefore results in more highly motivated student bodies. Part time work yields partial privilege. The level of privilege for both students and teachers is determined through the HAND System, which is by the people, and will likely be divided according to grade, age and subject. The people determine the level of prestige to be associated with various jobs by voting through the HANDS.
In an incentivized asynalagonomy, getting a job is something everyone will want. Otherwise, they will lose classification status. Getting a job is easy because there is never enough help and employers don’t turn workers down because they can’t pay them. They don’t have to pay them because work is not for pay. It is for privilege. And the ones rewarding members of society with privilege are service and product suppliers. The employer’s part is merely to register that a person has been working and doing an acceptable job. A person can choose to do any type of work they wish. If they are incapable of doing certain types of work, they will be banned from those jobs until they are trained. Education is free and consists largely of on-job-sight training. Job listings are posted on the Human Availability and Needs Database System (HANDS). Since it does not cost any money to be an employer, jobs should always be very plentiful. The jobs that offer the greatest level of privilege are those that are the least desirable to do. The “incentive” in an incentivized asynalagonomy is to do work in high demand but low supply. For this reason, the garbage collector and the plumber and the dishwasher are likely to live a nicer lifestyle than the store manager. Jobs in the field of medicine are also likely to be in high demand but short supply. Therefore, privilege is expected to be high among medical professionals and any work that requires a great deal of education.
In an incentivized asynalagonomy, food production is designed to feed each person without regard to profit taking. In a capitalist economy, prices are raised as high as possible by producers and suppliers along the distribution chain so long as demand remains high for consumption. A price point balances demand in such a way that suppliers earn more by producing less if possible. The unfortunate result is that only those with sufficient money can purchase many foods. An asynalagonomy merely aims to meet demand without regard to price. If a person asks for any type of food, the only qualifier is if that type of food is in limited supply. If it is, it may be subject to class restrictions, but the majority of food can be produced in sufficient quantity to meet demand continually. Since purchase power is based on class rather than on cash availability, nobody is ever unable to obtain whatever food they need. The same applies to medicine. The only people who will not eat in an incentivized asynalagonomy are those who refuse to work though they are able. Since jobs are always available because employers do not have to pay labor expenses to workers, hunger is entirely eliminated. Food is both free and abundant, since it costs nothing to produce.
Nothing costs anything in an incentivized asynalagonomy. This includes housing. What type of house a person can obtain and own, (not buy), is based on what type of work they do, what their ratings for their work are, how much tenure they have and what various bonuses or penalties may have been applied to their status. Nobody is without work in an incentivized asynalagonomy unless they are disabled and the disabled also receive housing benefits so everyone qualifies for a home. If a person wants to live in a nice house, they won’t have to pay a mortgage for thirty years. Their ability to move in is based on whether it is available. It is not dependent on cost. There is no real estate speculation. Either a property is available or it is not. The job of a property appraiser is to determine what rarity it has and what level of prestige it ought to be associated with. Homes that are located uniquely, such as those along bodies of water or other scenic views, or next to conveniences, are reserved for those who have earned the highest classifications. Since the business of construction does not require profit making, building is a continuous business in high demand. Construction workers themselves are rewarded with nice homes, which means new homes will be built sufficient to meet demand, very quickly ending homelessness. With no rent or mortgage required, homelessness will become a thing of the past practically overnight.
The vast majority of crimes are related directly or indirectly to trade. Asynalagonomies have no trade and in an incentivized asynalagonomy, what a person can have is based on their status, which is earned through their work, not through their trades. Crime does only one thing – it risks loss of status. It provides no status benefit. There is neither the sale of contraband, since there is no value to a seller of such without trade, nor is their a demand for it, since the populace is weened off the supply for lack of it. This does not mean crime will no longer exist. However, a dramatic reduction can be expected. In a capitalist society, a person has incentive to take unlimited amounts of things that have value and store them up in banks and investments. In an incentivized asynalagonomy there are neither banks nor investments. There is therefore neither the supply of contraband, nor a means of storing up profits. The motive for profiting from crime is thus removed. The result is a much more peaceful and just society.
HANDS is the Human Availability and Needs Database System. It is the computer system that assists the incentivized asynalagonomy to provide whatever citizens need by matching what can be offered with what is needed. There is no cost to anything in the HAND System but there may be limited resources and availability. To put it simply: on the one hand it is a job board. On the other hand it is a shopping catalog. The HAND System also sends automated alerts to Resource Managers when demand is high and supply is low, or limited so that the amount of need met can be maximized. Non-renewable resources are not made available in the HAND System catalogue but they are included as inventory. The system measures literally everything.
An elaborate system of incentives exist in an effective asynalagonomy. Instead of exchange of commodities or services that money formerly could buy, purchases belong to ownership classification, also known as prestige classification, or class. All products and services are free but they are only obtainable with sufficient classification clearance. They also can only be obtained in quantities specified by class. Class is determined by the type, amount and quality of work a person does. Quality of work is assured through an auditing and ratings system. Incentivized asynalagonomies turn historical class on its head. The least desirable type of work receives the highest prestige and classification. To live in a nicer house with more luxuries, be a garbage collector, plummer, janitor or wash dishes, or perhaps a roofer in the summer time. Work that requires high skill is also highly rewarded by class but all classifications are determined by the people through a system of direct voter input utilizing the HAND System.
This is by far the most frequent question. It is pronounced with the hard “a” sound as in “ate” or “ace.” If you are new to this subject, you will want to start here. The short answer is discernible if you know a little Greek and can figure out that a word ending with “onomy” refers to a type of economy (actually “nomy” means laws or principles). The Greek word “Synalagwn” (συναλαγων) means “trade” or “transactions.” The prefix “a” means “not.” An asynalagonomy is an economy or set of principles without trade or transactions. An incentivized asynalagonomy is an economy that has no trade but does involve incentives. Incentivized asynalagonomy is a new political movement and is associated with James Carvin, its founding advocate. He introduces it in chapter eight of The Restoration Party Manifesto: Pre and Post-Apocalyptic Alternatives for the Future as “Solution B.” As founder of the Restoration Party, he does not ask the Restoration Party to require that members embrace it. He predicts a meltdown of the American economy of apocalyptic proportions by 2032 if the Restoration Party is unsuccessful and poses Solution B as the antidote to be implemented through “Solution B Units.” Solution B Unit members can be of any political party affiliation and Carvin encourages them to organize as a fringe group among Restoration Party members. For a more expanded and precise definition of incentivized asynalagonomy, click here.