I thought I’d release this unimpressive video, (confusing if it’s the first here you’ve seen), just to top off 2017 about a month late. It completes my commitment to produce 12 videos – one each month. Of course, I failed at that because I skipped January. In January, I was struggling with my new trucker job and frustrated that I couldn’t be home for Epiphany, much less finish up the five part harmony arrangement of The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver.

The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver was a love song for Lisa set to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen intended to be in the style of the Pentatonix, but recorded by me, which I’d hoped to deliver to her for Christmas, along with me. The project didn’t materialize on schedule because I lacked the right equipment to record it and I was trucking away through the holidays, thanks to the immense disorganization of the company I work for (which shall not be named). I can’t overdub and monitor and even if I did, my mics and effects processing would be a long way from Pentatonix quality. My voice – that’s also a long shot from the quality I would want, but that goes without saying. Frustrated, I put up a video somebody else made that I thought was worth watching and sent my wife the manuscripts for The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver for Christmas via Facebook. Maybe I can get it recorded by next Christmas if I can get some help from some friends. Shown here is page one.
So to today. Here we are in February and I’m realizing how incompatible trucking is with recording. Still, I need to convey a host of thoughts that will establish and define Foundationism, Cosmostrophy, the HAND System and other unique expressions I’ve had. This driver has been doing a lot of thinking. These thoughts are worth sharing. So in baby steps, here it comes. Only for the coming days, I’m going to take a new approach. I’m going to compare and contrast my own thinking with other stuff I find on YouTube. By doing this, I think people will start to discover what Cosmostrophy is, what Foundationism is, what Asynalagonomy is and maybe, just maybe, the YouTube search engine will pick my videos up as relevant for certain key words since they’ll be responses to already popular stuff. Expect some changes in the formatting at JamesCarvin.com to accompany that. I’ll be categorizing things in ways people are more used to.