
Analysis of Potential Party Name

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Established in 1884, but later replaced by the Greenback Party. Newton Booth was elected to the California senate (1875-1881) as an Anti-Monopoly candidate and Benjamin Shively to the US Congress from Indiana’s 13th district (1883-1885). Benjamin Butler was nominated to run for president in 1884 and received 175,350 votes.


Breaking up Monopolies in the United States at this time is essential for putting an end to the plutocracy we’ve become.


Outside of its already having been used, restoration of representative government and rule by the people will require far more than the break up of monopolies.

Anti-Masonic Party

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A bit of trivia: the Anti-Masonic Party was actually the first third political party in the United States (formed 1828). It ran on a single issue, opposing Free-Masonry, which may be telling. It sought to embrace broader issues to gain popularity but failed to obtain a majority. Its proponents were absorbed into the Whig Party by 1840 but the Party re-emerged from 1872-1888 under the leadership of Jonathan Blanchard of Wheaton College. The Party elected numerous House members from New York and Pennsylvania, and also some from Massechusets, Rhode Island, Ohio and Vermont, but never any senate members. President Millard Filmore began his career as a member of the Anti-Masonic Party.


None, although Free Masonry is still popular to hate.


Already used and no party should ever be built on hate. Should it?

Anal Compulsive Party

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A fictional party from Dave Barry Slept Here, written by Dave Barry (1989). The book is dubbed a “Sort of History of the United States” and recounts John Adams being elected second president thanks to the support of the Anal Compulsive Party because it would be easier to pass history tests if presidents were elected alphabetically.






American Workers Party

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Established in 1933 as a Socialist party. It merged into the Workers Party of the United States in 1934 by joining with the Communist League of America (Trotskyist), at which point it disbanded.


The name itself would be strong for the 99%.


Associated with Communism. Previously used.

American Solidarity Party

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A primarily Christian and Catholic”Whole Life” party. That is, they are ProLife both before birth and after, holding a consistent ethic of human life.

The ASP was founded by David Frost in 2011 as the “Christian Democratic Party USA”. In 2012, the CDP USA endorsed the independent candidacy of Joe Schriner for President.

The name of the party was changed after the 2012 election to “the American Solidarity Party”, and a national committee was created for the purpose of drafting a platform and developing the party’s online presence. Mike Maturen of Michigan was nominated to run for president in 2016. Maturen was an official write-in in 25 states and on the ballot in Colorado.


Solidarity shows empathy toward labor and the 99%. The group could easily ally with other parties if interested in victory.


The name is taken already and is associated with conservative teaching, including commitment to traditional marriage. The historic use renders the values of the party more specific than what a dominant political party would find most advantageous. Solidarity is also historically associated with Communist movements and socialism, even if it is pro-labor.

American Socialist White People’s Party

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From the Blues Brothers, (John Balushi and Dan Aykroid) an odd group of angry white men wanted to kill Jake and Elmer for destroying their van.




On top of being already taken and not taken seriously or with any positive message, with the Acronym ASWPP, it is a diminutive of “AssWipe.”

American Republican Party

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An official name of the Know Nothing Party prior to the civil war. They were opposed to immigration and abolition. They are not to be confused with the Republican Party.




Both taken and disbanded.