Awake Party

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Indicates a former sleep. This suggests change is coming along with new energy, as in we’re not going to take it any more. It also indicates an attentiveness that is vigilantly representational. Not bad!


A little campy. Non-traditional.

Atomic Party

Analysis of Potential Party Name

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Suggests some scientific knowledge and commitment to power, perhaps for or against nuclear power or green energy. Perhaps rapid growth of a movement, such as a powerful third party that could put an end to politics as usual in the two party system.


The name is ambiguous and perhaps too specific to environmental concerns even as such. As with any good name, the use of it would require a significant local presence with consistent positive branding.

Association Party

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Shows a willingness to work with others and if the alliance is a good one, could result in a dominant party.


All depends on who it is that is working in association. Associations are also not the same as alliances. They may be associated with corporate lobby groups, for instance.

Ascension Party

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A calling to spiritual values could resonate positively with a majority of Americans. It is similar to Progressive in that regard but without the moral decadence often associated with it.


It may be perceived as overly or overtly religious, which could seem intrusive.

Aquarian Party

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For many, it evokes a feeling of a new age, especially one dominated by love and peace.


A song from a musical for hippies is hardly a strong basis for a lasting dominant political movement. The use of the term in Hair was also inaccurate from an astrological perspective. While we may well be moving into an Aquarian constellation period over the next 2,160 years, the rest of the song isn’t even supported by astrologists, and a majority of Americans consider astrologists to be flakes.

Apex Party

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Suggests a high ideal, making America the greatest it has ever been, awesomeness, possibly involving striving towards lofty goals and successfully achieving them.


Once we reach a peek, what happens after that? The name suggests a possible subsequent decline.

Antitrust Party

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Breaking up Monopolies in the United States at this time is essential for putting an end to the plutocracy we’ve become.


Outside of its already having been used, restoration of representative government and rule by the people will require far more than the break up of monopolies.