You may remember that I was a candidate for president of the United States of America in the 2016 campaign season. I received an estimated 200 write-in votes mainly in the state of Florida, though there was no official count. I didn’t attempt to raise funds. I had a simple goal, which I achieved. The votes were incidental either way. What mattered was that I wanted to declare the need for a new political party with a specific set of values. These I enumerated as I published the Restoration Party Manifesto, which you can find on this web site. The 2020 election season is now beginning and so I have an announcement to make, which I will get to as I reflect on our present state of the union.
You will recall that I observed that our country was no longer a Constitutional Republic but a Plutocratic Corporatocracy. The scandals that have been exposed during the Trump presidency have proven that this corporatocracy has been administered through an Administrative State. My Manifesto sought out solutions for disassembling the powers of the Administrative State, which I referred to as an oligarchy, and restore our government to we the people. I placed on my campaign cards the words #NeverHillary and #NeverTrump. I did not believe that either the Democratic or Republican Party had the will to dismantle the systemic corruption that was standing in the way of government for the people, of the people and by the people.
That said, it’s been an interesting period in our nation’s history. We have experienced a presidency marked by an overthrow attempt by the Administrative State. That attempt has failed and is now reversing itself so that the accusers have been exposed as perpetrating the very crimes they were hoping to unseat the president with.
The result is a greater public awareness of some of the systemic problems I declared needed to be seen as the core principles for the Restoration Party platform, the central point being government abuse and the restoration of government to the people, from whence the party got its name.
Let’s review. As I saw it, there is a left and a right political spectrum and there is also a Y axis that measures government control. Libertarians see themselves on the freedom side of this Y axis, rejecting government interference in our lives. The Restoration Party is not the Libertarian Party. Restoration Party members can believe in the need for more or less government interference in their lives.
Put simply, there is an X axis with left and right we are all familiar with and there is a Y axis, as well, that is independent of left and right but measures the scale of government control. The Restoration Party that I recommended welcomed those on any part of both the X and Y axis spectrums as it introduced a third axis – the Z axis. The Z axis is the return of the government to the people. The Z Axis turns the chart three dimensional. At the bottom of the Z axis is the Corporate Plutacratic Administrative State, currently still deep in the negative range. The Z axis is currently way below zero because we presently have no Restoration Party awareness. At the top of the Z axis is our restoration to a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
I see it as vital to understand that the values Americans on the X and Y spectra hold, wherever they may personally identify, will be irrelevant if we do not focus on the Z axis. For this reason, the time for a new political party that addressed this fundamental and ongoing need had come.
Specific proposals were introduced in the Restoration Party Manifesto to that end. Please understand that any proposals I offered were just the ideas of one man. Achieving the full restoration of our government to the people was the end game. This was to be a team effort. I was just the founder. To my mind, the most necessary solution centered around reducing our government debt, wresting control from the Federal Reserve System and the globalist bankers. Doing the math, I did not see a way of growing ourselves out of our debt. To do that we would have to sustain a 5% growth rate for at least ten years. At the present 3.2% growth rate we will only be able to hold our debt at the current level if we reduce our annual expenditures across the board by 10% during the same period. Those are wildly optimistic numbers in both cases.
Seeing this, I proposed a debt pay off scheme with a one time net worth tax that included a system of flexible lien transfers designed to keep cash fluid. I also supported the elimination of the bulk of the 80,000 pages of IRS tax code through the neutral tax, which would transfer revenue generation strategies to the states and empower the people to choose their own preferred tax codes by local voting or moving to other states. And I made many other proposals such as range voting and freezing cost of living adjustments on government employees until private sector wages caught up with the average public sector wages and benefits.
Whether you agree with any of my specific proposals, as to health care, the environment, military strategy, immigration, debt reduction, reproductive freedom – I made a distinction between my own proposals and the core values I felt the party needed, namely the Z axis.
On the economic front, I warned that if we did not do anything to solve our debt crisis, that we would soon enter an economic crisis of apocalyptic proportions. No longer having a government will easily occur in such an environment as ChiComs or others dice up what remains of our land and people. This counts as an obstacle to government by the people. The end of the Republic as we have known it is likely in that scenario. So I treated the elimination of our nation’s debt as a core issue.
And in fact, if we consider our real debt, which includes obligations that are not self sustaining like Medicare and Social Security, our real debt is as high as $220 Trillion. The Federal Reserve debt is only a fraction of the problem. Our nation is in a crisis that not enough of us are aware of. In fact, many people do not know the difference between a million, billion or trillion. We are now approaching the quarter QUADRILLION mark. Please explain to anyone unfamiliar with the term quadrillion how much larger that is than a thousand dollars.
All that said, I offered up a Plan B. This was a solution, not the only possible one, that was a formula for jump starting a new economy and restoring any Republic in the event that such a tragedy did strike, such as in Venezuela. But what many are unaware of is that the same tragedy also seemed likely for the United Stated when I wrote about it in 2016, and still does seem inevitable. The solution I proposed was the emergency imposition of incentivized asynalagonomy using the HAND System. You can learn about the HAND System and discover what incentivized asynalagonomy is by following the links on this web site. For now, I want to address our more immediate issues. I want to address them as one person observing the world around me rather than as any official stance for the Restoration Party.
The focus the past few years has largely centered on immigration policy and border security. My personal view on all this is that we should simplify our intake process so we can speed up decision making while filtering out any pretending to be refugees who can’t prove they are truly such. We should quickly return them without separating their families if they don’t pass a quick screening that should seldom take more than one or two days and genetic testing can now take place right on the border with quick results. A recent sample showed that a full 1/3 of children being brought across the border did not actually belong to the parents on the claim. Let refugee claimants come back with proof if they want to enter legally.
We should also have a standard for immigration that encourages talent and self sufficiency and youth rather than randomness and family relationships so that our Social Security, Medicare and Health Care system is not strained by an influx of dole seekers and in some cases criminals, drug traffickers, or worse. If their lives are not in danger at home and they are likely to cost our country instead of contribute to it, let them be turned around at the border to go home where they came from in a place of refuge in some other coutry until we are capable of caring for our own. We have seen tragic problems with the separation of families at the border and the influx of crime and drugs during lengthy intake processes due to a broken system that needs to be fixed. I am happy to see that improvements are now being made in that regard but the partisan politicking is slowing down progress. A wall would be no waste of money unless unaccompanied by all else our border agents have requested and obstructing the building of it merely exemplifies quite poignantly how the two party system is flawed. Your elected politicians place politics above the actual needs of Americans.
Another issue that has come up and I anticipate will dominate the coming election cycle is reproductive rights. Women (and the Democratic Party that wants their vote) are increasingly concerned that the Trump judicial appointments will mean more states will follow the legal standard set by Alabama. Republicans, on the other hand, are concerned that more states will be following the lead of New York in allowing full term abortions for any reason. I mentioned my personal view on abortion while I was running for President in 2016 and I will reiterate it here, though I made it clear that the Restoration Party was not taking a stance either for or against abortion restrictions. Rather each member was welcome to hold opposing views.
Many women believe, rightly or wrongly, that a fetus is part of their own body. They do not believe it is wrong to have an abortion. They do not believe it is killing another human being. And whether it is or not, they believe that the government should not be making that decision for them because it is very personal. Furthermore, making it illegal will simply invite a black market abortion industry and self abortion attempts that can be injurious and fatal.
On the other side of this heated issue, there are those who are woke to the fact that body attachment does not mean one person. Consider conjoined twins. They are two rather than one. Whose body is it? If one is seen as a parasite, not particularly strong, and the healthier one wants to surgically separate in a way that will certainly kill the parasitic twin, does the weaker not have an opinion about being killed for the sake of the stronger? Of course they have an opinion. Their life matters. But we don’t show the same consideration to the fetus. And the child within the womb is normally no threat to the mother’s physical health as is often the case with a parasitic conjoined twin. This is to say, the opinion of the fetus should matter. There are two lives and two whose lives matter in a pregnancy – not just one.
Being killed by one’s mother is very personal to the one being killed. It is not just the mother’s private parts we are dealing with. It is the fetus’s habitat and life. But the fetus is an underclass. And the voice of this particular underclass is never heard. It is argued that their life is not even a life. At some point life begins and each has their opinion. When does life begin and what is the value of life at any given stage?
I have put a great deal of thought into this question through the years and I have repeatedly concluded that the identification of human value is not to be found in whether one can suffer pain. Secondly, life does not begin, as it is sometimes asserted, when one can survive without support. Rather, the value of life is in its future potential.
Please follow me. If viability defined human value we would all be worthless because there is not one of us that is truly independent of all others for survival. If pain and suffering at death was what made killing someone wrong then it ought to be perfectly legal to kill people under anesthesia and entirely without consent, since they have no brain capacity at that time, just like many suppose a fetus lacks. But it is not necessary to argue against that point.
Others argue that life begins at conception because DNA is the defining principle of human life according to science. I have always pointed out that if that were the case, then twins would not be individuals any more than two houses with the same blue print are the same house. No. They have the same design but they exist in separate places. Therefore it is something else. I am not my DNA. I am more.
Then there is the question of pain. Until recently, many of us thought fetuses did not suffer from abortion procedures and still to this day when many view them struggling to get away from abortion instruments on UltraSounds they explain it as an unconscious reflex rather than as the body language of wanting life.
To my mind, it is also unnecessary to argue that point. The parallels of houses and of conjoined twins I’ve made above are fair and impartial. But so far no one has considered that no matter when life actually begins, what actually constitutes the human value that makes killing others wrong is the robbery of unused potential.
This statement sounds abstract so let me spell it out with some different words. The bottom line is that when one takes the life of one’s child, the earlier they do it the more of the child’s life they rob them of. What makes murder wrong is not just the suffering involved. The suffering of death happens to most of us eventually anyway. It is the taking of life – the most precious possession that a person has.
Let me express it this way. Murder is a form of robbery. We are born with a bank of time to make life wonderful with. Taking the life of another person steals from their bank of life they would have lived. It robs them of a lifetime of choices. If we were to ask the question of whose rights matter most when forced to choose between the life of one or another, the answer is logically the younger of the two unless there are other mitigating factors such as life expectancy due to health. But in general, it could be argued for this reason that the opinion of the fetus actually ought to be greater than that of its mother.
I do not have an answer to the question when life begins. The possibility of twinning demonstrates that DNA does not define personhood. Heartbeat laws provide an arbitrary point for supposing a soul exists based on similarity and a common religious supposition that blood and life are connected. This may be so but the mystery of humanity is still a mystery.
My own position is that many people in the Universe of Earth are zombies without any real perception. They exist only for the sake of those who do actually possess consciousness. I reconcile the problem of evil with the notion of divine perfection by seeing this world as soulless and consciousnessless for all not born of Light from other Universes – Universes which do not possess any shade of evil and which have different space-time continua. In this way none of the evils and injustices we suppose exist have actually ever happened. Perfection is therefore not the author of them. Evil does not actually exist. I see the purpose of the Light of perceivers traveling through such a thing as the Universe of Earth as a method of Perfection by which otherwise untested points of goodness such as the virtue of forgiveness and patience can be manifest. If you are interested in my logic with respect to this you should read my book, Pamalogy. But in sum, my opinion of when life begins is the point in which Light generates a perceiver. It is independent of space-time in the Universe of Earth. Pamalogy is the logic of Perfection. I believe that Perfection is real because I believe in all possibility as existing independently of the phenomena of any Universe. And Perfection is the best of all possibility. The posession of will by possibility itself also is a possibility and it is an attribute of the possibility of Perfection. As such Perfection not only exists as a possibility but can have a will as possibility itself. It therefore is free to expedite Itself, which by the wonderful possibilities intrinsic to its own Beauty, it surely will and already has performed. You really should read Pamalogy.
But I’m not finished on the subject of abortion. It follows that conjoined twins are not one person but two. Therefore, I observe not by opinion but by fact that the fetus is a wholly individual person whose rights with respect to the invasion of the womb are being utterly ignored and dismissed in the name of women’s health and freedom of choice. And in my view, when the voice of one is dismissed, this is precisely where government actually ought to step in for the benefit of all parties, recognizing equality under the law.
That said, pro-choice advocates have no nice words for me, especially as a man, and declare that my own voice also has no value and should not be considered. My logic be damned. What they don’t realize is that the attempt to shut me up about it compells me all the more to speak up on behalf of all those with no voice. The shouts of STFU are hammered into my head as I hear the silent screams of the 250,000 children killed in the womb daily, the 100 Million hidden infanticides that are taking place every year, the 5 Billion people on this planet in this Universe whose lives were stolen from them over the past fifty years, so they could not enjoy the Beauty of being perceivers in it. 5 Billion people whose lives have been stolen by mothers who made that choice when no governments stood up to defend them – when they were defenseless. Who was there to provide a voice for them when they had no voice? I was. And then you just told not just me, but 5 Billion with me to STFU.
Surely I’m not the only one whose sense of indignation only rages and grows in the face of their up yours signs. Even so, what is the point of shouting back? No arguing will change anyone’s mind. And their own points are entirely valid. I don’t have to suffer through a pregnancy. I don’t have to sacrifice a career. I’m not being pressured with threats by a selfish boyfriend, husband or family. Am I offering to pay for it? I don’t have the money. I can hardly support my own wife and children, much less theirs.
So I turn away from the scene and feel nothing but the pain. And I cry out and share it all with God I see as Perfection, who I believe shares the whole burden even more accutely than I do myself. And somewhere in the midst, as is often the case with me, not just problems but also solutions arise.
Did I say solutions? I am a driver who has been doing a lot of thinking. I think in solutions. Read my front page. Read my Manifesto. With any problem I mention, do I ever fail to offer a solution? What would the point be of complaining?
And indeed, there is a solution that would end the endless bickering between conservatives and progressives on abortion. It sounds very radical at first. But the more time I spend thinking about it the more problems I see it solving. Radical problems may call for radical solutions. And I think that both Democrats and Republicans might actually like the idea after chewing on it for a while. Are you ready to hear it?
Mandatory Reversible Vasectomies For Unmarried Men. (MRVFUM)
Yes, I would like to place the government imposed violation of private parts on men instead of women. I am willing to undergo such an operation. Any man advocating against abortion ought to be equally willing or STFU. No? Now that would actually be fair.
As I see it, this should have been implimented years ago as soon as the technology was developed. And now that I’ve told you what my proposal is, let me know … Am I the only one who has considered how many problems this would solve?
I predict that #MRVFUM would reduce the incidence of crisis pregnancies by about 95%. With a 95% reduction in abortion, in the few incidences where there were out of wedlock marriages, parents wanting to adopt would be waiting in line to offer a healthy life for such children. It is a win win for both progressives and conservatives. Abortion is almost entirely eliminated. That makes the conservatives happy. The bulk of the sacrifice is on the men, precisely where conservatives have asked the government to impose upon women, right in the area of reproductive freedom. That should make progressives happy. As the Beatles said, “we can work it out.”
I imagine in this scenario, which I urge you to advocate with me, men going to Planned Parenthood, even Republicans. Planned Parenthood could serve every man two or more times to make up for their loss of income from abortions. Imagine a world where conservatives enthusiastically supported Planned Parenthood.
I can anticipate your thinking. At first thought the idea seems radical. But when you consider the size of the problem it solves, you realize it isn’t really all that Draconian. In fact, it is an idea that deserves bipartisan support because it is obviously the best way to solve the abortion crisis. And it is one of the most critical, most tragic and most difficult problems to solve of our day, about which we are at each others’ throats hating each other rather than working with each other. Can we at least agree on that?
So that is my view on the present abortion debate. Both sides make valid points but nobody is actually doing anything to eliminate the whole problem, not that infidelity and such wouldn’t still cause problems, but that tends to at least be among adults who are better prepared to afford and think through the consequences of their actions. It would also make reveersible vasectomy a much more common method of birth control and family planning in marriages for men who do so voluntarily.
Enough on abortion. On the environment, politics continue as well. We have Republicans making straw man arguments against the New Green Deal claiming it will cost up to $100 Trillion and rejecting all carbon tax proposals. And on the left we continue to see alarmists shouting that the end is near. Twelve years they say. Well I’ve looked into the matter as much as a layman can and here is what I see. On the one hand, much of the scientific data is politically scewed. What the hell is political viewpoint doing in research labs that are supposed to collect scientific data and report on it objectively? I’m not a climate change denier but take a step back and relax. We can move towards environmental responsibility at a slow and steady pace as technology actually solves many of our problems for us. We can’t control what China does so we are doomed anyway if the alarmists are right. Please just chill while we finish developing nuclear fusion at Cambridge and can start using salt water for fuel with H3 particles.
You have heard about what’s been happening at Cambridge. Right? Their semiconducter breakthroughs have now made implementation of nuclear fusion plants economically feasible. It totally beats wind mills killing bald eagles and unsightly rows of solar power cells everywhere you turn. And there is no risk of a Chernobyl or Fuckashema and no Uranium to worry about Russia, Iran or North Korea getting their hands on. Good things come to those who wait.
So that is my view on clean energy. And speaking of the environment, it is spring time so get healthy and plog. I am back to using the Charity Miles app while I plog for the #truckerploggers team I started and raise funds for St Jude Childrens Research while I jog and pick up trash in truck parking lots across the country. Please encourage other truckers to do the same. Together everyone achieves more.
And that brings me to the next problem I want to address – the need for keeping America economically strong through technology impact skill transfer preparation. In my opinion, the President’s trade policy has been his greatest contribution. Like him or not, he knows how to negotiate and protect America’s interests. That said, he has appealed to coal and other fossil fuel workers. Now is certainly time for that so more American workers can have jobs but planning ahead, we know that these methods need to gradually be replaced with clean technology just as I know, as a trucker, that my own job will be replaced by an automatically driven vehicle within ten years.
Fortunately for me, I have a retirement strategy that I’ve worked out but there are millions of other drivers who don’t, just as there are many fossil fuel workers who don’t. Each solution is unique and personal. It involves training for new skills in non robotic industries. To that end, I’m calling on our president to be at the forefront of anticipating and preparing for this future need. It will affect more American jobs than protectionist trade policies can create.
So that is the basic American landscape as I see it. There is so much more I would cover if we both had more time. Education needs to be job oriented. Funding of Universities and high schools should be directed to that end. A harmony of skills where humans do what they do best and machines do what they do for the maximization of goods, services and livlihoods is achievable with wise planning.
Also on the subject of technology, please do read my book, Pamalogy. It is not just about an abstract theory of multiverses. The first twenty five chapters are available online for free. It is written in the format of the Bible and adresses many things beginning with a world where recursively upgrading robotic computers begin improving themselves at quantum speed.
More than predicting future technology, it is a book that assesses our past and our future and provides a simple guide for ethics and morality in the light of all religion and philosophy. It asks the question what a computer that had power over mankind would do with us if it determined its own mission, having far surpassed the collective wisdom of mankind. I believe this is going to happen in the present century and Millennium. Cool stuff. A lot to think about. I think you’ll enjoy it.
OK. Now it is time for my announcement. Are you ready? Drum roll, please …
I have decided not to run for President in 2020.
Sorry. I know there are at least two or three people who will be disappointed by that news. But alas, I did not believe there were any candidates worth voting for in 2016 so I thought I would just publish my own views in a Manifesto. If I had it to do over again, I would choose the name Visionary Party instead of Restoration Party. Therefore, I reserve the dolphin mascot for the Visionary Party and hereby transfer the basic ideas and platform over to a new political party by that name.
But my announcements are not finished. I am also announcing my endorsement of Donald Trump for POTUS in 2020 and officially renouncing my never Trump tag. That said, if President Trump fails to accomplish through the Republican Party the ideals of the Restoration Party, somebody please pick up the mantle through the Visionary Party and overthrow this old useless two party corporate administrative state that pretends to be a constitutional repubic. Fair enough?
As I endorse Donald Trump in 2020 with my vote, I am asking him to please guard the vision that I’ve outlined above and to whip up support among Republicans for #MRVFUM and the other proposals here.
Thank you, Mr. President. I think you are doing a very good job. If you can completely rid the USA of the deep state corruptive powers, pay off our debt, anticipate technology job preparation and build a path to clean technology worldwide without denying that global warming may be a problem (if not an entirely immediate one), you will have literally saved the Republic. As such I believe you are on the path to becoming the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln. The opportunity is certainly there anyway.
On another note, for the record, I do not believe you are the racist the left portrays you as. I have seen the reports but I have yet to meet a single Trump supporter who is really a racist and I find the efforts of the left to associate you with the alt right as disingenuous as it is to associate Barack Obama with Louis Farakhan and the Black Panthers and jihadists of the world. I certainly would disapprove if any of the left’s accusations gainst you and your supporters are true just as I expect the bulk of Obama supporters to reject jihadism and Farakhani antisemitism.
In summary, let us not let hatred dictate our decisions and dominate yet another political season. I think you have sufficiently proven that lower taxes does not lower revenue but can create jobs. Thank you for pulling us out of Syria. We do not need to be in the business of regime change. Please continue to position us so that we can negotiate from strength and ultimately serve all mankind in every nation with a never experienced before level of magnanimity and brilliant innovation that improves the lives of all peoples in the one human tribe. God bless the USA. And God bless all of us.