On Diversity and Biblical Tradition

My perspective on gay rights – a lesson on the fundamentals of Biblical interpretation. The end of this video was cut off with my conclusion, beginning with the words, “there are two things I don’t want.”

Here are the two things I don’t want: (1)the gay community telling religious institutions what to believe and what they can’t say, seeking to jail fundamentalists for hate speech and (2) the churches telling the government how to interpret the Bible and dictating its laws. I have always supported same sex civil marriage for this reason. As for the Restoration Party, while I do call everyone to be open minded, there is no party stance on the matter other than the separation of church and state. The party is about restoring government back to the people. The people have many views. Pitting conservatives against liberals divides them. Uniting as a single party with diverse views is a healthy step toward mutual respect. I’m fairly certain that is where the majority of Americans actually stand. I believe America is teachable. Can you reboot with a clear slate, please?