American Reform Party

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A 1997 faction from the larger Reform Party of the United States, started by Ross Perot in 1995. Perot had all but nominated himself for the 1996 run after enjoying a third party record breaker showing in the 1992 election, where he participated in all three presidential debates and at one point enjoyed a lead according to polls, withdrew from the election when bad press came and re-entered to garner 14% of the actual vote. Emphasis is on balancing the budget while maintaining a strong defense and some protectionism (Anti-NAFTA).


Almost everyone is in favor of reform. It implies an acceptance of a basic system but also implies a the need for improvement.


The word “Reform” is now associated with the Reform party and its factions, with its ideology. The name is also taken.

American Populist Party

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Not to be confused with the Populist Party of America, these are grassroots activists, both conservative and liberal, founded in 2009 to seek constitutional reform through amendments. Active in California, Colorodo, Texas, Illinois and Pennsylvania it is primarily Libertarian but rejects corporate monopolies in favor of personal empowerment with a strong defense.


Aims at ordinary people, which is certainly the majority. Rule by elites evokes strong anti-establishment sentiments. Strong support for Donald Trump is largely attributable to a populist objection to legacy media, bias in education and big tech, and oligarchical rule by an administrative state.



American Nazi Party

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Established in 1958 by George Lincoln Rockwell, who was assassinated in 1967 by a fellow member who had been banned for having Marxist leanings. The group continued under his successor, Matt Koehl, but became more religious than political and took an increasingly less public role. In the 1980s several groups have taken on the same name but none have been directly connected to the original.




Running as an independent in 1965, Rockwell received 5,730 votes in the Viginia gubernatorial election. Running under his party name in 1962, he received 212 votes. What does that tell you?

American Labor Party

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Predominantly in New York, it was a socialist support movement that supported Democratic or Republican candidates more than a formidable political party. It lost support in the anti-communist era and was formally disbanded in 1956.


Labor is worth promoting and appeals to a majority.


The fact that the term “Labor” is associated with socialist movements is extremely limiting.

American Heritage Party

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Now called the Christian Liberty Party (as of 2010), it started as the Washington state affiliate of the Taxpayers Party in 1991, (which has since become the Constitution Party). It fielded two candidates for Congressional offices by 1998. It split from the Constitution party in 2000 and became its own national party at that time under Dan Eby. It’s ideology, like the Constitution Party, is that of the Christian right, but it distinguishes itself as being Christ-centered above being Constitution-centered. This overflowed into how the party leadership was to be chosen and resulted in an inevitable break away.


Works for local politics where Americans hope for local restoration of Christian values.


Taken. Narrow in appeal.

American Freedom Party

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Also known as the American Third Party, it was on the California primary ballot in 2009 but didn’t qualify for the general election. It became an official political party in 2010. Harry Bertram got some votes in West Virginia, coming in last place. Film director, Merlin Miller, ran for president under the American Freedom Party name in 2012 and came in last with 2,073 votes, having chosen Cuban born Virginia Abernethy as his running mate.


Freedom is increasingly valued in the age of COVID restrictions, cancel culture and the assault of political correctness on free speech. Strong name for Libertarian values.


Already taken. Critics say it promotes white nationalism.

American Falangist Party

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A Mexican neo-Marxist movement set after the Spanish Phalanx of the Councils of the National-Syndicalist Offensive (1933-1977). It emphasized social cooperation over Marxist class struggle as a movement of the Spanish Roman Catholic extreme right. Synarchism was revived in the 1970s as the Mexican Democratic Party, which dissolved by 1996.


Only presented here because it was a party in America, if small.


Completely useless and already used, unless of course, somebody wants the US to impose a Roman Catholic dictatorship.

American Dream Party

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A positive viewpoint offering hope for a better future.


There is no consistent definition of the American dream. If it was the dream of the founding fathers, did it include slavery and oppression of women and LGBTs? Is it the current dream?

American Party

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Originally named the Native American Party, and gaining some Congressional seats as early as 1844, it was renamed the American Party in 1855. They were more popularly known as the “Know Nothings,” a name which stemmed from the secret nature of their meetings, in which they were told to say they knew nothing about them. They were opposed to Irish-Catholic immigrant influence in American politics. Divided over slavery, they were primarily anti-papist. The movement lost momentum by 1856 and was disbanded after Nathaniel Banks moved his allegiance to the Republican Party along with about 2/3 of fellow Know Nothings. The party completely fizzled out by 1860 and was disbanded.




Already used and not a good name anyway.