American Reform Party

Analysis of Potential Party Name

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A 1997 faction from the larger Reform Party of the United States, started by Ross Perot in 1995. Perot had all but nominated himself for the 1996 run after enjoying a third party record breaker showing in the 1992 election, where he participated in all three presidential debates and at one point enjoyed a lead according to polls, withdrew from the election when bad press came and re-entered to garner 14% of the actual vote. Emphasis is on balancing the budget while maintaining a strong defense and some protectionism (Anti-NAFTA).


Almost everyone is in favor of reform. It implies an acceptance of a basic system but also implies a the need for improvement.


The word “Reform” is now associated with the Reform party and its factions, with its ideology. The name is also taken.

Author: jamescarvin

Licensed insurance agent W965746. National Producer #20666979. Presidential candidate 2016. Inventor. Entrepreneur. Philosopher. James has two grown children, cares for the disabled, and blogs in his spare time when he's not on the road helping families optimize their awesomeness.