February – a great way to top off a year

I thought I’d release this unimpressive video, (confusing if it’s the first here you’ve seen), just to top off 2017 about a month late. It completes my commitment to produce 12 videos – one each month. Of course, I failed at that because I skipped January. In January, I was struggling with my new trucker job and frustrated that I couldn’t be home for Epiphany, much less finish up the five part harmony arrangement of The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver.

The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver - page 1 of 16
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver – page 1 of 16

The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver was a love song for Lisa set to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen intended to be in the style of the Pentatonix, but recorded by me, which I’d hoped to deliver to her for Christmas, along with me. The project didn’t materialize on schedule because I lacked the right equipment to record it and I was trucking away through the holidays, thanks to the immense disorganization of the company I work for (which shall not be named). I can’t overdub and monitor and even if I did, my mics and effects processing would be a long way from Pentatonix quality. My voice – that’s also a long shot from the quality I would want, but that goes without saying. Frustrated, I put up a video somebody else made that I thought was worth watching and sent my wife the manuscripts for The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver for Christmas via Facebook. Maybe I can get it recorded by next Christmas if I can get some help from some friends. Shown here is page one.

So to today. Here we are in February and I’m realizing how incompatible trucking is with recording. Still, I need to convey a host of thoughts that will establish and define Foundationism, Cosmostrophy, the HAND System and other unique expressions I’ve had. This driver has been doing a lot of thinking. These thoughts are worth sharing. So in baby steps, here it comes. Only for the coming days, I’m going to take a new approach. I’m going to compare and contrast my own thinking with other stuff I find on YouTube. By doing this, I think people will start to discover what Cosmostrophy is, what Foundationism is, what Asynalagonomy is and maybe, just maybe, the YouTube search engine will pick my videos up as relevant for certain key words since they’ll be responses to already popular stuff. Expect some changes in the formatting at JamesCarvin.com to accompany that. I’ll be categorizing things in ways people are more used to.


Lent is here again. Do you participate in Lent? I don’t like ritual much. What do you think? Do you think fasting is stupid? Watch this video and let me know what you think using the comments section below …

Thanks for humoring me with your thoughts. I didn’t have time to do the video I really wanted this month. It was a love song for my wife in five parts. Maybe I can get some friends to help me record it by next Christmas.

The Written Part

A frustrated husband is out trucking but doesn’t have the recording equipment he needs to synchronize himself in five part harmony. So here’s the manuscript honey. Maybe I’ll have the recording by Epiphany. What year I’m not sure. Calling on helpful friends for Christmas 2018.

Set to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen in the style of the Pentatonix

The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver - page 1 of 16
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver – page 1 of 16
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p2
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p2
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p3
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p3
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p4
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p4
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p5
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p5
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p6
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p6
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p7
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p7
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p8
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p8
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p9
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p9
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p10
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p10
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p11
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p11
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p12
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p12
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p13
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p13
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p14
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p14
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p15
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p15
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p16
The Ring of the Thoughtful Driver p16

Chris t MAS!

RIP Christopher Charles Carvin (5/17/56-11/10/17)
Since my brother Christopher Charles Carvin (5/17/56-11/10/17) passed this month, in future months I will be picking up on the last words I have of his on video – “Chris-mas.” This fits in to the Super Series, which I’ve decided to continue. The Super Series plays on acronyms that summarize my cosmostrophic foundationism. By following this series you will learn what it means when I say you are a Selectively United Portionally Ecstatic Realization Commuting History Resonating Infinite Sympathy – SUPERCHRIS. More importantly, the reason for this is SUPERCHRISTMAS – TO MAXIMIZE AWESOMENESS SILLY! Other points to note – Resonation is your part in Reverberation. Infinite is an Ideal that Imagination Indicates. Sympathy is a Symphony of Beauty in Love that must be considered apophatically. And then there is “Supertransentience” and that’s not silly, Silly. It takes human sentience and adds something transcendant, something super, something awesome, something unlimited. More on that in future Super Series videos. Chris Mas!

My Patreon Appeal

A friend of the family suggested I put up a Patreon appeal when he saw the quality of the Super Chris video in October, so I put together this Patreon appeal for Thanksgiving. Your financial support will equip me to make quality videos while on my new trucking job so I can continue on my journey as the driver who’s been doing a lot of thinking. Click here to support me through Patreon.

For those of you who want to stay here on JamesCarvin.com, here’s my basic pitch ~

Note on Patreon: Patreon is not indexing new creators on its search engine so you will have to access my Patreon creator page directly AFTER you’ve logged in as a Patreon contributor by clicking on this link.

Top three results on Patreon searches for James Carvin
Top three results on Patreon searches for James Carvin
Note on YouTube and Google and searching for my name: Searching for my name on Patreon has recently unveiled something very disturbing. It is evident that my name has been flagged for suppression by Google and YouTube. This explains the shockingly low number of subscriptions. I am planning work-arounds, but apparently, somebody at Google or YouTube does not like me. As you may know, Google owns YouTube and the two companies share search algorithms. I am not sure why they flagged me for suppression but it has done much harm. My first guess is that somebody who works there doesn’t support the two party system and doesn’t want alternatives. I have supplied on this web site hundreds of suggested third party names and a history of third parties, creating a resource for those wishing to create a third party and end the two party system. There is much more than that on this web site and there is no reason my other material should not be found. In fact, I should be exceptionally easy to find. I own about thirty other domain names and have been active online since 1997. According to Web Trends, in July 2000, 5% of all Internet users saw my Ghostsurfers.com web site. In the days before Google and Facebook, my Internet presence was formidable. A simple search on a web site like Patreon should therefore find me easily. Unfortunately, since apparently Google or YouTube has flagged me, any third party site that uses a search plug-in like Patreon uses to search its own web site is finding the following results only and none of them is my Patreon Appeal page itself. Look at the picture on the right. Of all the pages to find using Google’s plug-in search tool, what did they find? Did they find my Patreon Appeal page? No. They found the definition page for the Anal Party – one of the hundreds of historical political party names I have listed at JamesCarvin.com. Not funny Google. And now you should fire the employee that did this.

Business Plan for a Political Party

Many of  you may recall that I ran for president in 2016 while driving for Uber. Was this some sort of joke? No, not at all! My goal was to bring attention to an alternative political party for which I had written a Manifesto, and I succeeded. Having no budget whatever at the time, it’s true that I was unable to garner significant attention for the party, but I still hold onto the same ideas and it’s an experience that keeps on giving back. Feel free to read through the draft pages of the Restoration Party Manifesto  here to see what I was thinking in 2016. You can learn from my experience. I sure have.

Getting elected is not always the goal.

After the campaign was over, I realized it would be best to convert the work I had prepared into a school for visionary thinkers. The idea of restoration is still a strong component, but I’m satisfied to simply draw together open minded people like myself, who would like to describe the world’s potential in a forward-thinking way, and to put together a think tank environment for considering a better future. With that in mind, I created an informal association, which I fondly refer to as the Visionary Party. There is nothing formal about the “Visionary Party” at this point, nothing institutional, and I have no plans for it, but if you are interested in doing something with it, let me know.

3D Political Spectrum
3D Political Spectrum – Reality is Complex

You probably want a quick overview. The gist of it is the restoration of government back to the people. I called for a three dimensional perspective that sees the left to right political spectrum as an insufficient way to describe our true opinions. The Libertarians had added a Y axis to the traditional chart, so that left-right (X axis) would retain the traditional liberal values on the left versus the conservative conservative values on the right, but plucked out issues that specifically addressed freedom and put those onto a Y axis. It’s interesting to see some of these Y value charts because some view regulation positively. A Libertarian would see regulation as descructive to a happy ideal, so they would place regulation on the negative side of the wide axis. But not matter how you may view this, I saw a third axis that had to complete the picture and I don’t think there are many who would disagree with me that the positive side of it is better than the negative. That is, on the positive side of what I call “the Z axis,” is a restoration of government back to the people. It’s opposite is oligarchy, plutocracy, rule by corporations, big tech, industry lobbies and the very wealthy.

Third Parties

Many people get very emotional about voting. They feel threatened by third parties. After all, a strong third party candidate can throw off a general election. And that is true. Are you old enough to remember when the Texas billionaire, Ross Perot, almost won the presidency as he introduced a new political party, the Reform Party, in 1992? I am. He withdrew precisely because he did not want the sort of post-election debacle that we have been seeing since 2020. But what concerns most people is that a vote for a third party candidate is a vote against their favored candidate. They have the mindset that every vote matters and must be counted.

In reality, no election was ever won by just one vote. So, as I see it, it is a false dilemma to believe that we must choose between the lesser of two evils. We don’t “waste” our vote if we choose a third party. Quite the opposite. We make the only good use of our vote that we can. We express our point of view. We make our opinion known. We bring attention to people who have different ideas and let it be known that we agree with them. What represents what you think more? Choosing a candidate you disagree with and don’t like, or actually stating your opinion by voting for someone you truly believe in? The only way you can throw away your vote, is by doing something that will make no difference – which is to pretend that your one vote will be the tie breaker. That is something that has simply never happened before and most probably never will. You always win if you vote for the third party candidate of your choice.

So, there is my opinion. I strongly encourage third party voting. And if there aren’t even any third parties you agree with, feel free to write in a name, or run for president yourself, like I did. Carl Milsted Jr., from whom I have learned much, published a manual on how to start a political party. This is highly recommended reading and I encourage you to start one so you can do a very American thing – express your opinion by participating in the political process. You can follow my lead and write your own political party manifesto, as well. Here’s the link to Carl’s book. It’s not surprisingly titled, “Business Plan for a New Political Party.” Enjoy.