America Now Party

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Used in a fictional Steven King novel, the Dead Zone published by Viking in 1979. Adapted for film in 1983 by David Cronenberg starring Christopher Walken. Became a TV series 2002-2007.


Has some urgency. Has a sense of putting America first and propelling it to less contested super power status, which is a value favorable to a majority of Americans


Is utterly selfish. Could be construed as nationalism and even white supremacism coupled with radical activism. Used in a Steven King novel.

America First Party

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Established in 2002 as a paleoconservative isolationist party, it has enjoyed minor success in Florida and Michigan but has endorsed candidates from the Libertarian and Constitution parties for lack of its own qualified candidates, one of which was associated with the alt-right.


American intervention has cost trillions of dollars and stirred up hatred toward the United States. Non-globalist economic policies are implied by the name. A strong labor movement in the United States would see this as a positive. Bringing jobs home to America is highly resonant. The name also relates to immigration policies and international negotiating positions such as the Paris Accords, which highly disfavor US interests.


Outside of the fact that the name is already taken, a majority of Americans are actually globalists at heart. While the name is born of a need for counter-balance, nationalism for its own sake is seen as selfish by nature.

Alternative Party

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Indicates a third party option.


Establishes itself as a minority by opposition. Lately has negative associations because of the alt-right during the Trump campaign. Generally associated with extremes and sometimes fake news.

Aloha Aina Party

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Founded by a dance instructer, Vickie Holt Takamine in 1997, it was at first a Hawaii specific political party. The party was disbanded in 2015 for lack of activity.


The love of the land. Depicts an earthly paradise. Offers a fond Hawaiin welcome to be remembered.


Already used, even if disbanded, which would be confusing for those who remember it. Too ethnic for mass appeal.

Alliance Party

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Suggests a cooperative attitude, a pragmatic approach to political achievement and some possibility that even minority parties working together might arise with sufficient power in numbers for success.


Noone votes for the sake of pure political power. It’s strength will depend on which factions it joins up.

All Night Party

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Fiction history

The All Night Party name was used by Marvel Comics. Sporting the slogan “Get Down, America!”, the All-Night Party was a fictional political party that appeared in Gerber’s Howard the Duck series during the U.S. Presidential campaign of 1976, and led to Howard the Duck receiving thousands of write-in votes in the actual election. Gerber addressed questions about the campaign in the letters column of the comic book and, as Mad Genius Associates, sold merchandise publicizing the campaign.


Suggests strength and commitment during dark times.


Outside of possible recognition from prior use, especially that of a comic book duck that could become the brunt of mockery, the name suggests partying and irresponsible behavior.