Insurance can be Fun!

So, you think you know all about insurance? Let’s test your skills … in a fun way. You can do this as a couple, or better yet, bring in another couple and play as teams like Family Feud. Just get a score card and a pen. Are you ready?

Play Now!

Pick a topic by clicking on a link below. There are games on every page. Follow the rules as you go!


Term Life
– Whole Life
– Indexed Life
– Mortgage Protection
– Final Expense
– Living Benefits
– Accidental Death & Dismemberment
– Watch Out!

– IRAs
– Pensions
– Annuities
– Disability

– Part A
– Part B
– Part C
– Part D
– Part E
– Who
– What
– When

Excuse my dust as I build this game. Some parts will be subject to approval by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services.