This is by far the most frequent question. It is pronounced with the hard “a” sound as in “ate” or “ace.” If you are new to this subject, you will want to start here. The short answer is discernible if you know a little Greek and can figure out that a word ending with “onomy” refers to a type of economy (actually “nomy” means laws or principles). The Greek word “Synalagwn” (συναλαγων) means “trade” or “transactions.” The prefix “a” means “not.” An asynalagonomy is an economy or set of principles without trade or transactions. An incentivized asynalagonomy is an economy that has no trade but does involve incentives. Incentivized asynalagonomy is a new political movement and is associated with James Carvin, its founding advocate. He introduces it in chapter eight of The Restoration Party Manifesto: Pre and Post-Apocalyptic Alternatives for the Future as “Solution B.” As founder of the Restoration Party, he does not ask the Restoration Party to require that members embrace it. He predicts a meltdown of the American economy of apocalyptic proportions by 2032 if the Restoration Party is unsuccessful and poses Solution B as the antidote to be implemented through “Solution B Units.” Solution B Unit members can be of any political party affiliation and Carvin encourages them to organize as a fringe group among Restoration Party members. For a more expanded and precise definition of incentivized asynalagonomy, click here.