About James Carvin

A dolphin with seven stars wearing a Pamalogist's top hat.
The Pamalogist’s top hat is distinguished by sprockets. The seven starred dolphin is the Visionary Party mascot. Why not combine them?

My name is James Carvin. I like to be called “James” by those who don’t know me well, “Jimmy” by those most familiar with me from childhood, which you are welcome to do if you mean it in a friendly way, and “Jim” only by those I knew in high school and college. I have many interests and a few talents. After almost thirty years of education, I’m more aware of what I don’t know and can’t do well than ever before. My most recent studies were at Arizona State University, where in December, 2022, I added a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies, with concentrations in Organizational Leadership and Philosophy, to my list of degrees. Congratulate me. I graduated with a 4.0. That’s not bad for a guy in his sixties. I am presently using my combined skills to organize an insurance business. I’ve completed Season One of my podcast and will be up and running with Season Two once I’ve finished revising my course in Awesomeology. Expect big announcements over the next two years.

My To-Do List:

Why did I get yet another degree, you ask? Simple. I have a life-long to-do list all planned out and I don’t want to mess it up. If you read to the bottom of this page, you will find a list of innovative projects and their descriptions. Each of these projects meets a deep need that will have a highly positive impact on the world once it is operational, if only I can find the time to make it happen before I die. Some of these endeavors will be pivotal to get the whole ball rolling. The first is the Pamalogy Society. And since investors and philanthropists alike are reluctant to throw money at concepts, I work hard as a full-time insurance broker, whose been funding the Pamalogy Society myself.

Once there’s sufficient funding, the Pamalogy Society will be a 501(c)(3) corporation that serves as an incubator for the other projects listed. You will find the mission statement and statement of purpose at Pamalogy.org. Most of the other programs will be for profit. You will find that the common thread in these projects is communication, better journalism, entertaining education, and better ways to find information. Taken together they form a symbiotic ecosystem of projects that constitutes the best way I know of to have a positive impact on this world before I die. Each of these will be a separate corporate entity in itself and the plan is to begin them, hand them off once their up-and-running smoothly, and then move on to the next project, leveraging the strength of the previous endeavor for its marketing platform power, making the subsequent projects easier to do.

For a time, I was thinking that the first of these projects would be the CounterChecker.  However, I found out that even with a perfect business plan, I was still unable to attract developers to work for sweat equity. They only needed about $600,000 at most, but I’d also need to raise funds for the business operations, so the business plan requires $1.4 million in startup capital. Lack of startup cash has put a bottleneck onto all of my projects, so at the moment, I have the CounterChecker in a holding pattern while I raise funds through good old fashioned hard work. If no one contributes, I’ll pay for it all by myself with the profits from my insurance business. Just give it a few years so I can save up that much. I may as well be open about this. These are the facts of my life. But you are wondering what the CounterChecker is, and why I would be willing to sink my life’s savings into it. Right? The reason is simple. The world really needs it.

The CounterChecker logo is two arrows pointing at a check mark and looks like a person scrutinizing something in detail
The CounterChecker logo – opposing arrows. Scrutinizing face. Let the Fact-checkers fact-check one another.

The CounterChecker will restore confidence in fact-checking through a cross-examination research methodology. This method will be better suited to meet the ideals of the International Fact Checking Network. The fact check industry has been growing by double digits annually and drives the news. There are now literally hundreds of fact-checking organizations across the globe. While a number are endorsed by the IFCN, there are none using this  method for attaining accountability. The “countercheck” method uses a unique technology to make it easy for opposing teams of researchers to counter one another’s facts point by point in an organized fashion that reduces redundancy and circular arguments. It also eliminates the kind of echo-chamber effect that occurs when there is a lack of idealogical plurality among researchers. The CounterChecker will provide a scorecard of points made and numbers of violations that will result in a grade for each fact-check and for each counter. I’ve worked hard to get the CounterChecker ready before the 2022 election season began but since no one contributed funds, I couldn’t develop it, and now, it looks like it won’t beat the 2024 season either. It’s always a motivator to have goals, but I never thought I could do this alone. Feel free to contact me. That’s why I’m telling you all this. It’s because I want help. I am still accepting applications for key positions. 

The CounterChecker, once developed, will serve as a central nervous system for a variety of news projects I’ve envisioned.  None of these things will happen without it. Here’s what I’d love to see before I die …

Fair News

Fairness and accountability is at the heart of all I do. I’d like to create a news platform that lets people hear multiple sides of every story – fair and balanced through format – not one side outshouting another or censoring the other side by hogging the mic or casting insults. Each of these programs can use the CounterChecker as a plugin or widget to enhance its content. Here is a very brief description of each of the programs I would like to see the Pamalogy Society incubate over time.

SubSet News Header
SubSet News – all the news, categorized, and deeper

SubsetNews.com – Taxonomically organized niche news sites of every category and subcategory conceivable, with convenient archiving and feeds for news junkies. Easy to search by subject, date, people, places and various factors of relevance.

SubNet News Header
SubNet News – every side in greater detail

SubnetNews.com – The news underneath the news. Looks deeper. Discovers more. Fact checks everything. Emphasizes freedom for buried and suppressed voices – think freedom of speech.  No voice goes censored but formatting allows contrarians to rebut assertions without interruption.

Equal Vois Header
Equal Vois – making your mouse roar

EqualVois.com – Emphasizes independent and minority view opinion over partisan dominant views. Allows any individual or small organization with an independent political opinion to be promoted through the platform in order to level the playing field with the highly funded.

Vois Logo
        Vois Technologies Logo.


GetAVois.com – Combines Vois products with Vois news and independent voice aspirations, creating a marketing platform for Vois Products as a sponsor of the news and individual promotion that leads to an end to obscurity on free Voice platforms like Vois.Space, VoisTube.com, Vois.Press and VoisBuzz.  

VoisTube sign
        VoisTube.com insignia


VoisTube.com  – an alternative to YouTube that allows freedom of speech. Note that this does not mean that promotion of violence or other illegal activity or incitement will be tolerated. VoisTube features easy uploads and subsequent multi-track editing from the web. It is driven by the VoisRider app. See VoisRider.com below.

Enter Political Wager Here
             Enter Your Political Wager Here


PoliticalWager.com  – a place to place bets on outcomes of political events and conditions as well as promote independent or partisan thought. Invite as many as you want to play. House determines the winner and reports it as news. You could be famous. Have an outrageous wager? Make it! Void where prohibited by law.

    Supermarket   Green News Logo


SuperMarketGreenNews.com – definitive news source for analysis of the food chains worldwide from production and distribution to the dinner table.  Provides any news related to improvement of health and environment. Looks for the day when it is no longer necessary to read labels on food products to know affordable food is nutritious and lacks ingredients detrimental to health. Aggregates from all related sources and feeds into GreenTechNews.org as a core news source. All James Carvin domains are politically neutral and provide news from every perspective.

Green Tech News Logo
        Green Tech News Logo


GreenTechNews.org – full analysis of environmental concerns and emerging technologies with views from all sides presented without bias. This is a non-profit organization whose mission it is to provide all related news without bias through aggregation and original content creation for the benefit of investors, consumers and activists of any political view. Emphasis is on innovation and long term solutions to world population growth and economic challenges. It provides a fair voice for examination of man made climate change and serves to check facts by every means possible.

Hatred Index


HatredIndex.com – full analysis of hatred with a view to indexing based on a fair system for determining quantifiable numbers useful for an unbiased measure of racial, religious and political hate based on a consistent set of parameters. It includes room for formatted debate without censorship so that all perspectives are considered. Ultimately, it will be the most useful measure of hatred chronologically that can reasonably be determined, making it the definitive resource for those interested in the increase or decrease in racial, political, national or religious hate from period to period.

VoisBuzz Logo
            Vois.Buzz Logo


Vois.Buzz – The best source for uncensored moderate and independent opinion.  See also VoisBuzz.com. This is not a right leaning publication. Neither is it a left leaning one. It is both leaning. And it doesn’t exclude independent opinion. Got a hot topic. Tired of bias? Passionate about the news? Got something new? Bring it here. We love your contributions. Vois.Buzz is all about getting your voice out where you can make a difference. Only … so will your opponents.

Vois Logo
    Vois Technologies Logo.


Vois.Press – Summary of trending news on Vois.Buzz, Vois.Space and other Vois domains. It’s the front page of Vois. Serves as a feed for those without a lot of time on their hands to dig deeply. Easy to forward the daily news. Designed for syndication.

Vois.Space – Web hosting space for those who wish to promote ideas with tools for creating web sites easily to organize their Vois tools and get a Vois.
The dolphin with seven stars is the Visionary Party mascot


VisionaryParty.Us – This is not a political party. It is the discussion of what an ideal political party might be. Many believe that a new third political party is needed because the existing party system is corrupt. Some believe that an industrial military complex is dooming the American people to failure. Uses the Vois apparati to overcome media monopolies and gain attention. The values of the Visionary Party are the voice of the people who contribute. Addresses common problems from a variety of perspectives with an eye to discussing ways to organize. The majority of Americans are independent. It is time they had a platform to plan and support their views.

                      James Carvin, founder of  ~~~~~~~MaximizedAwesomeness.com~~~~~~~~


MaximizedAwesomeness.com – An inspirational and entertainment oriented stream of videos and articles quickly promoting the best of in every category. Vois is the backbone. Maximized Awesomeness is the heart. The Pamalogy Society is it’s mother.

This is more than “cowabunga” awesomeness. It is the best of. It is the hoped for. Let the cream rise to the top. It deserves to be shown. It’s what you come here for. 


The Vois line of products will focus both on communications that reach the many and communications that are easier and safer to use. Hands free communication is particularly important, especially for drivers.

Hands Free Voice Command Products

Drive safely. This is super important to me. Among the many types of work I’ve done, I’ve been a professional driver now as far back as 1978. Safe driving means hands-free operation of telecommunications equipment. In 2014, I invented the CabbyCam system for Rideshare and Taxi drivers. Unfortunately, there was no funding for this project. I then shifted this over to the Vois System and Vois Products line up for truck drivers too, as well as fleets. The project may be on the shelf for the time being, but it would meet the real technology needs of drivers.


CabbyCam.com – everything from hands free mileage tracking to voice command dash cam and in-vehicle studio recording with live karaoke and passenger office suite access for ride-share passenger entertainment and convenience.

VoisMax.com – the full suite of Vois products for ride-share drivers, taxi drivers and fleets. Allows the maximum entertainment and convenience experience for passengers and drivers.

VoisRide.com – A promotional summary page that is all about the Vois Rider app and promotes the best of VoisRider uploads and trending videos. See VoisRider.com

VoisFleet.com – The fleet app site concentrates on the needs of fleets to track their drivers and vehicles in live time and look up location histories, to reduce accidents and costs, to maintain equipment, to track expenses and maximize their return on investment using the Vois Fleet apps. It handles all technical development news and introduces new products to the market, such as those planned for truck drivers and their fleets. 

VoisRider.com – The Vois Rider market niche broadens the scope of the Voistec driver outreach by connecting drivers to passengers and passenger experiences to VoisTube through easily generated and edited multi-track uploads to social media.

VoisDoc.com – Allows passengers to charge their phones and equipment and provides equipment owners with a security monitoring system for their portable equipment that is docked in their vehicles.

VoisProducts.com – A web site for the employment side of Vois Products Inc. and shareholders.

VoisTec.com – For conveying the technical side of Vois products and related news and for handling returns and warranties.


Now that I’ve described the types of news, communication and community projects I’d like to fund, there are a few other things you’ll normally find in these platforms – subcategories, like classified advertising. Health is  one such subject that will be a major category in SubsetNews and GreenTechNews.org and SuperMarketGreenNews.com but I also own two domains directly related to health that I plan to develop and could syndicate to both these and other venues.


Cro-Magnon.diet – (Also CroMagnon.Diet)  Overshadowing Neanderthal at the end of the paleo age, the Cro-Magnon man is the first  modern man. It stands to reason that the paleo diet philosophy deserves improvements in the form of the cro-magnon diet. What this means is adding the knowledge of better communication and tools to the mix and testing what works for the sustainability of mankind. The philosophy of good health is part of the guidelines of Pamalogy in its axiological philosophy. It is something of an open science, rather than a simple set of rules or recipes.

TruckerPlogger.com – Plogging is picking up trash while jogging. Download and use the Charity Miles app when you plog. My team of truckers has cleaned up hundreds of truck stops, lost lots of pounds, feels better and raised money for their favorite charities while stretching on short breaks. I stopped trucking a few years back and need a successor to re-spark the movement. It’s the type of thing that will be much easier once these communications platforms are in place, but don’t wait! Any time is a good time to get started!

– Advertising
RentMyUsedCar.com – On top of trucking, I’ve given over 26,000 Uber and Lyft rides and driven a taxi too. What’s interesting about this domain is that I bought it before Uber and Lyft existed. I don’t know if I’ll ever get around to competing in that space. It seems far fetched, but use of a vehicle for days or weeks at a time and from state to state without paying a fortune to the major companies could be a profitable niche if we had the sufficient communications platform for it, which is what these news and social networking platforms would provide. 

UltraPrequalified.com – I had to sell this domain when times got tough, but I’ll tell you about it anyway. One of the monetary drivers for the various news sites is the matching of user preferences and history with relevant advertisements, especially when users opt-in and web site pixels provide information about what users in a large social network or search site are looking for. When a rider app or a ghost hunting app involves both a known place of business and a time and live location along with a history for a targetable customer, especially one that is known to be looking for something specific, the value of ad placement can’t get any higher.  I’m holding onto the domain with the expectation of building a platform where this scenario is realized. It isn’t first on the list but it is definitely what we’re aiming at.

SaveULater.com – The Savelator was a couponing feature within the Ǥhost Machine app. The silly name fit in with the geeky style we were looking for in the Ǥhost Machine. Purchase in advance through the app to enjoy discounts at places of business where you plan to hunt for ghosts. Invite friends to hunt with using the social networking features of the app for additional savings. The Ǥhost Machine app is full of contraptions and gizmos in the style and feel of GhostBusters and points to what I call “the underground economy.” The Savulater is part of the machine. So was the Cloupon – if you solve puzzles and figure out clues, you could earn discounts. But I sold Cloupon.com when times got tough a few years ago. Sorry. That would have been fun. All these were gadgets that were attached to the Ghost Machine. The Ghost Machine was a masterpiece. Are you ready for my ghost story?!

Ǥhost Machine

Yellow Ghost Machine logo Ǥ
                  The Ǥhost Machine logo

ǤhostSurfers.com – I’ve been hoping to get the Ǥhost Machine app up and running since 1998.  It had to be introduced in stages because it was an idea that was far ahead of its time. It was one of my “edutainment” projects. The user pretends to be hunting for ghosts. The ghosts are people from history, so it’s a learning experience. What would have been sweet about it, if we got it running when we sought to revive it in 2012, is that you would get paid a share of revenue if you found ghosts and solved mysteries. Imagine combining Pokemon Go with Bitcoin. Only it wasn’t Bitcoin. It was Ǥhost Bucks. Then if you add a search engine, like Google, a phantom shopping network like Yelp, a social network, like Facebook and offer free web space, like Square Space, you have the Ǥhost Machine super app. The free stuff we offered helped build our traffic to the 105th most visited web site world wide among women in June 2000, when we reached 5% of all Internet users. In later iterations, searching morphed into hunting. The good news is that this isn’t just a ghost story. I hope to get this app up and running before I die. And I am a very determined man.

It's Ǥhost Hour! Coffee Mug, with Satisfaction Guarantee
   It’s coffee hour. Are there any Ǥhosts in here?

ǤhostHour.com – The essence of the Ǥhost Machine app was to hunt for ghosts during ghost hours provided by ghost hosts. Ǥhosts would only appear in places of business during designated “ghost hours.” Finding ghosts and gaining their energy on the app would convert to Ǥhost Bucks using the Ǥhost Bucks Formula. All participating ghost hosts would have to redeem Ǥhost Bucks or accept them as a form of payment. The Ǥhost Buck was backed by the value of customers per designated hour. You could raise funds for your favorite charities by hunting for ghosts and the more you gave the more Ǥhost Bucks you got. It’s totally doable to this day. 

James Carvin holds up a handful of Ǥhost Bucks
James Carvin holds up a bundle of Ǥhost Bucks. There’s money to be earned in the virtual catacombs.

ECatacombs.com – Along with alternate spelling – E-Catacombs.com, this site was the underside of the Ǥhost Machine app’s ǤPS (Ǥhost Positioning System). It would allow users to enjoy an underground virtual reality game hunting ghosts, and the possibility of gaining or losing their energy in a sometimes hostile environment through an unending network of virtual underground tunnels and catacombs attached to graveyards and other real catacombs and caves from whence physical world ghost hunting would take place. Every grave yard on the planet would connect to the make believe underground virtual network, where ghost hunters would encounter all sorts of interesting grave markers and historical artifacts left behind by the deceased and those who loved them. The social network for the deceased would allow family members to add their own loved ones to the database so that they did not have to pay legacy.com, ancestry.com and others to be remembered. 


Probably the hardest obstacle to overcome is always raising cash for the projects we believe in. While your own money isn’t always required, someone has to fund the operation. It is very rare for a tech developer of any sort to work for equity alone. Plus, once the widget is made, it needs to both be maintained and  marketed, which costs even more. There are lots of vital positions a business needs as it grows. It is very rare to have an idea that can operate on net profits in the first year. Typically there’s a circular problem with funding. Investors want to see a team. A team wants to see investors. The Pamalogy Society will serve to incubate the programs you find on this page, solving this dilemma, and those of other visionary entrpereneurs like me. The only criterea is that a project we would help must have a high potential social impact, must be owned by its workers, and must receive its funding, human resource and incubation from the Pamalogy Society during its concept stage, prior to starting up.

Crowd Funding
SouthFloridaCrowdFunding.org – I served as the director of South Florida Crowd Funding from 2012-2014. We offered free business plan reviews and helped entrepreneurs choose the right platforms and gave free counsel on campaign prep. It was a good learning experience for all of us. South Florida is interested in gaining a reputation as a tech hub. I was willing to set up a Non Profit Organization whose mission it would be to offer a launching platform for Crowd Funding projects. My philosophy was that if I gave to others, maybe I would meet the team members for my Vois projects and the Ǥhost Machine I was looking for at that time. As it turned out, I met some fascinating entrepreneurs but not my own dream team. My efforts had to come to a close when I moved to Tallahassee to care for my now deceased sister. I still see the effort as an ideal model for growing tech hubs by region so I’ve hung on to the domain.  I know that many areas wish to attract business by fostering entrepreneurial ecosystems. I can see the Pamalogy Society filling this role in the future through what I refer to as “pamalonomies.” Meeting the criterea for incubation I described above, pamalonomies are guilds in which participants can share in the royalties and equity of the projects they support, while enjoying the human talent contributions of other guild members and common resources in the incubator. Crowdfunding law has changed favorably to start up enterprises and now it is even possible for non-accredited investors to participate.  

JamesCarvin.com – JamesCarvin.com is my core site for all endeavors, all thought, and you’ll learn about my family here and can connect with me and become friends on my social networks too. I change the site around from time to time to direct my visitors to current stuff and not get too lost. There are hundreds of pages here. I’ve been blogging sporadically on this site since 2013 so there is a wealth of information here on a variety of subjects.

I divide philosophy into two basic parts – metaphysics, which asks what we are, how we got here, what this is, and what time and space are in the grand scheme of things … – and axiology. Axiology is about what is good, ethics, and what is beautiful, aesthetics. I summarize both sides of philosophy up with the question, “what is maximized awesomeness?” Philosophers don’t get as much attention in the world of writing and communication as they used to some centuries ago. I’d like to do something about that. To solve this problem, I came up with the idea of a philosophical society. Not just any philosophical society. One that would ask what maximized awesomeness was, and one that would faciliate it and explain it. 

Pamalogy Logo
Pamalogy Logo and Icon

“Pamalogy” is an acronym that describes the central features of my favorite thing to think about  -Poly Astronomically Maximized Awesomology! Pamalogy is the logical philosophy of Perfection, also known as Maximized Awesomeness! It is both the purpose of life and the reason, as I see it, that there are multiple heavens and not just one history. I opened up the Pamalogy Society to the public for a brief period before the pandemic at the arts district at Tallahassee’s Railroad Square between FAMU and FSU, as I’ve conducted an extensive lean canvass prior to incorporation. I’ve discussed Pamalogy with literally thousands of people, which has given me great insight as to what approach to take to conduct a successful organization. I’ve also taken courses in philosophy online at ASU, as well as courses in organizational leadership and interdisciplinary studies, to prepare for an optimal way to – maximize awesomeness – through the Pamalogy Society. The Pamalogy Society is at the heart of everything you see on this page and will serve as an incubator for the programs I’ve been telling you about.


Cosmostrophy is the field of metaphysical philosophy centered on how one reconciles their faith and philosophy with science. It beckons all denominations, world religions, and philosophies, including atheistic and agnostic ones, always asking the same question – how does that system of beliefs fit in with how we believe we got here and what we are? The idea here is to have some venues for discussion of some very controversial questions. A lot of this involves science. Other parts involve pseudo-science. And then there is that grey area in between, where scientists are not in agreement. You can see how fact-checking could be important to have within hand’s reach at all times when engaging in this type of discussion. This is why, of all the projects I’ve considered, I consider the most essential to begin with to be the CounterChecker. 


PleaseHaveMercy.com is a private place to express the deep longings of the soul and to ask for help. If anyone is in a crisis, if there is a deep need, share it. Communication that improves the world depends on sharing needs. Sometimes, people can help. You can use this widget to join together in prayer, as well. I’d like to see this venue of communication be used not just for expressing prayer needs, but to actively supply needs. I’ve invented something called the Human Availability and Needs Database System for that purpose. You can find out more about it by clicking here


This is an online Bible Study series I started. I did not receive financial support so I dropped it but I may come back to it in my later years as time allows. Pamalogy is philosophy but it provides a sound theological framework for Biblical interpretation. The “Beyond” part of the Bible and beyond refers to early church history and to philosophy as logic. It also delves into comparative religion. I was in seminary from 1982-1986 and again from 1991-1995. I developed the philosophical system called “Pamalogy” through the years not based on tradition or any sacred text, but pure reason. How do reason and logic jibe with sacred text or tradition? In answering that question, we might all discover together what maximized awesomeness actually is. In any event, assuming the platforms described above reach many people, I will likely spend my retirement years reflecting on such things, having delegated most of my corporate responsibilities. I plan to share my theological and philosophical thoughts when that work is finished.

Brick and Mortar

Most of the projects I’ve described above can be begun by a few individuals working out of their homes. There comes a time as businesses grow, however, that a public face is too important to neglect. As a rule, the opening of physical facilities will be delayed for as long as possible for most of the projects I would be willing to assist. Obviously, this is because rent is a huge expense. Ownership, on the other hand, can be profitable, if not just a cheap capital expense where appropriate. It’s with that in mind, that we might quickly move to purchase facilities, and we may even over-buy so that we can rent other space for additional revenue, or to offset the cost.

There’s another parameter to this. Once we’ve moved in, how much use of these facilities will we have? Typically, a shop is open 9-6 or so, not always seven days a week. Some sections of a building could be used longer hours. Also, there are certain types of stores that stand to earn more by being open longer hours.  Some do best by never closing.

Now let me offer a personal story. Whether as a taxi cab driver, Uber driver or truck driver, I’ve always found myself wide awake in the middle of the night and wee hours of the morning, with few places to stop. And I’m not the only one. For me, I like to do research. That’s maybe not so common. But I’m not necessarily looking for a crowd. How nice it would be to know there was a place I could come at any time, whether to meet other people or work on my projects. In addition to coffee shops, convenience stores and all night gyms, there were three other business types that might fit into a 24/7 niche, making the world a more awesome place.

247scrolls.org – (also 247scrolls.com). It’s a library that stores either (1)electronic information people can access from its terminals, or (2)reference books that it has purchased that are not available free of charge online. The idea is to make available reference material libraries that never close. The facilities will be attended by librarians at all times. All works stay in the facilities as reference work. Comfortable reading and computer space is available for students, writers and researchers to complete their projects. If we had the money for it, and there was a demand at the same location we were already purchasing plaza property, we might be able to support such an endeavor. It would be a nonprofit organization, closing the information divide along with the digital divide.

AllHoursChurch.com – The same staff that volunteered to operate 247scrolls might be enlisted to volunteer for AllHours Churches or vice versa. These are Multi-denominational shared facilities for worship. They would include plenty of space for services, music practice rooms, library and classes and could serve as seminaries and missionary training centers and mission launching facilities. By sharing facilities, start up missions save vital funds. Schedulers provide services all week long as requested. Emphasis is on availability of counselors rather than worship services. It is efficient when denominations coordinate efforts and don’t compete with one another. If the Pamalogy Society is next door, this might lend further support, as well as appeal to Non-Christian traditions or worldviews, bringing people together in the marketplace of ideas. A church that is always open. A church that shares with and works with others. Maybe the time will come.

PerpetualPlaza.com – The facility I’m thinking of here is a plaza. I’m thinking of shopping plazas that never close, featuring businesses that always stay open. Designed to include AllHours Churches and 24/7 Scrolls facilities, as well as bars, food establishments and any shops interested in reaching more customers all year long. Those would be the ideal types of facilities I would want the public fact of the Pamalogy Society and the projects it supports to appear, so that it could re-use much of its equipment and workspace as it serves to incubate one project and then another.

So, there you have it. A long term vision. I decided to post all of this here on the front page of my site so that my career vision and aspirations would be easy to share. It may seem overly ambitious, but I hope you can see how this fits together. As I see it, I may die before all this comes to be, but I believe accomplishing everything on this list is possible, even as a youngster still in my sixties. If I do die before the age of a hundred and twenty, I will have established a board of directors and assigned other members to choose who will direct the Pamalogy Society and they will continue where I’ve left off. The projects the Pamalogy Society supports will not be limited to this list.

Does that sound like a lot of stuff? Of course it is. Just remember, if Maximized Awesomeness is true, then all things are possible. This is just a beginning. I haven’t even heard YOUR ideas yet! Share your vision with me. Could it be a pamalonomy? Let’s see.

What happened to the stuff that was here before?

This page has changed a lot through the years. Check out my archives for more about me …
Click here for the 2016 front page.
Click here for the 2018 front page.