Category: General Demo: Florence Price: Symphony No. 3 in c minor

Florence Price’s Symphony No.3 was first performed on November 6th, 1940. It was Ms. Price’s third symphony, following her lost Symphony No. 2

Demo: Florence Price: Symphony No. 3 in c minor

August 28, 2024

Florence Price's Symphony No. 3 was commissioned by the Works Progress Administration's Federal Music Project during the height of the Great Depression. It was first performed at the Detroit Institute of Arts on November 6, 1940, by the Detroit Civic Orchestra under the conductor Valter Poole.

The composition is Price's third symphony, following her Symphony in E minor—the first symphony by a black woman to be performed by a major American orchestra—and her lost Symphony No. 2.

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Author: jamescarvin

Licensed insurance agent W965746. National Producer #20666979. Presidential candidate 2016. Inventor. Entrepreneur. Philosopher. James has two grown children, cares for the disabled, and blogs in his spare time when he's not on the road helping families optimize their awesomeness.