RIP Christopher Charles Carvin (5/17/56-11/10/17)Since my brother Christopher Charles Carvin (5/17/56-11/10/17) passed this month, in future months I will be picking up on the last words I have of his on video – “Chris-mas.” This fits in to the Super Series, which I’ve decided to continue. The Super Series plays on acronyms that summarize my cosmostrophic foundationism. By following this series you will learn what it means when I say you are a Selectively United Portionally Ecstatic Realization Commuting History Resonating Infinite Sympathy – SUPERCHRIS. More importantly, the reason for this is SUPERCHRISTMAS – TO MAXIMIZE AWESOMENESS SILLY! Other points to note – Resonation is your part in Reverberation. Infinite is an Ideal that Imagination Indicates. Sympathy is a Symphony of Beauty in Love that must be considered apophatically. And then there is “Supertransentience” and that’s not silly, Silly. It takes human sentience and adds something transcendant, something super, something awesome, something unlimited. More on that in future Super Series videos. Chris Mas!
A friend of the family suggested I put up a Patreon appeal when he saw the quality of the Super Chris video in October, so I put together this Patreon appeal for Thanksgiving. Your financial support will equip me to make quality videos while on my new trucking job so I can continue on my journey as the driver who’s been doing a lot of thinking. Click here to support me through Patreon.
For those of you who want to stay here on, here’s my basic pitch ~
Note on Patreon: Patreon is not indexing new creators on its search engine so you will have to access my Patreon creator page directly AFTER you’ve logged in as a Patreon contributor by clicking on this link.
Top three results on Patreon searches for James CarvinNote on YouTube and Google and searching for my name: Searching for my name on Patreon has recently unveiled something very disturbing. It is evident that my name has been flagged for suppression by Google and YouTube. This explains the shockingly low number of subscriptions. I am planning work-arounds, but apparently, somebody at Google or YouTube does not like me. As you may know, Google owns YouTube and the two companies share search algorithms. I am not sure why they flagged me for suppression but it has done much harm. My first guess is that somebody who works there doesn’t support the two party system and doesn’t want alternatives. I have supplied on this web site hundreds of suggested third party names and a history of third parties, creating a resource for those wishing to create a third party and end the two party system. There is much more than that on this web site and there is no reason my other material should not be found. In fact, I should be exceptionally easy to find. I own about thirty other domain names and have been active online since 1997. According to Web Trends, in July 2000, 5% of all Internet users saw my web site. In the days before Google and Facebook, my Internet presence was formidable. A simple search on a web site like Patreon should therefore find me easily. Unfortunately, since apparently Google or YouTube has flagged me, any third party site that uses a search plug-in like Patreon uses to search its own web site is finding the following results only and none of them is my Patreon Appeal page itself. Look at the picture on the right. Of all the pages to find using Google’s plug-in search tool, what did they find? Did they find my Patreon Appeal page? No. They found the definition page for the Anal Party – one of the hundreds of historical political party names I have listed at Not funny Google. And now you should fire the employee that did this.