Bridge Party

Analysis of Potential Party Name

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While there has been no American Bridge Party, the Bridge Party of Canada (2015-2017) was a non-partisan party built on issues, rather than candidates. It is best known for its advocacy of a twenty hour work week and release from any regard to GDP.


The name itself suggests positioning in the center, where a majority likely rests. It also suggests a pragmatic approach to politics, with a commitment to bipartisanship.


It is hard to be passionate about the center and it is hard to define which issues are to be bridged, or how.

Author: jamescarvin

Licensed insurance agent W965746. National Producer #20666979. Presidential candidate 2016. Inventor. Entrepreneur. Philosopher. James has two grown children, cares for the disabled, and blogs in his spare time when he's not on the road helping families optimize their awesomeness.