All Night Party

Analysis of Potential Party Name

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Fiction history

The All Night Party name was used by Marvel Comics. Sporting the slogan “Get Down, America!”, the All-Night Party was a fictional political party that appeared in Gerber’s Howard the Duck series during the U.S. Presidential campaign of 1976, and led to Howard the Duck receiving thousands of write-in votes in the actual election. Gerber addressed questions about the campaign in the letters column of the comic book and, as Mad Genius Associates, sold merchandise publicizing the campaign.


Suggests strength and commitment during dark times.


Outside of possible recognition from prior use, especially that of a comic book duck that could become the brunt of mockery, the name suggests partying and irresponsible behavior.

Author: jamescarvin

Licensed insurance agent W965746. National Producer #20666979. Presidential candidate 2016. Inventor. Entrepreneur. Philosopher. James has two grown children, cares for the disabled, and blogs in his spare time when he's not on the road helping families optimize their awesomeness.